Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim
should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is
invisible and truly integrated"
This article
explains how was the CALL in the past, how it is now, and how it will be in the
future. It also explains the three phases of CALL which has been identified by Warschauer
and Healey: ‘‘Behaviouristic’’, ‘‘Communicative’’
and ‘‘Integrative.” Bax has some arguments about these phases and he made an
alternative analysis of CALL. Then, he suggested three phases of CALL: Restricted,
Open and Integrated CALL. Finally, he referred to the term “Normalisation”, which is
therefore the stage when a technology is invisible taken for granted in
everyday life. He have identified the means of achieving this goal. He argued
that we need more in-depth ethnographic studies of individual environments and he
also argued that we also need action research in individual environments to
identify barriers to normalisation and ways of overcoming them.
In order to apply these concepts in our Saudi context, we have to go over many steps:
I suggested a mandatory
course to be given for students in order to prepare them well for using
technology, as well as teachers, such as how to use computers, projectors,
smart boards, different types of social and academic networks..etc. Some people may know how to deal with the
technology but the majority don’t. So, we can prepare a placement test in order
to know who really need such courses. Our course (EDU401) is an example of these
The second step
is to prepare the schools and universities with the technological devices which
is needed, such as; computers, laptops, smartboards, projectors, and a good
networks. These devices must be provided with proper maintenance routinely.
After these preparation
steps, a great interaction will occur between the teacher and the students
which based mostly on the technological devices. Each teacher can use her preferred
ways and tools to communicate with her students, and she/he can take their
suggestions. As we have learned in this course, there are different types of communicative
networks that can be used, such as; Yahoo groups, Gmail groups, Twitter, Facebook,
Wikis, and many different examples.
We can take the Yahoo
group as an example to apply in a real class, if we say that the students are
prepared to use the Yahoo group, as well as the teacher. So, after creating and
joining a group, the teacher may ask the students to introduce themselves. Then,
she/he can upload the assignments there, and it depends on what the subject and
the lesson needs.
Finally, we can’t expect that all of the students and teachers will
respond in a very quick time, sure we will take a time to reach this level of normalization,
especially with people who never use these types of technology. This process
needs high ambition and we have this factor, so we can reach this level ,
Hii Sondos
ReplyDeleteI really liked your opinion :)
i agree with you..
we have to prepare our students and teach them how to use technology with of course teacher’s helping.
Inshallah we will achive normalisation :)
Hi Sondos
ReplyDeleteI hope you be fine ..
I really enjoy reading your opinion..
I think you are right we need many things to achieve normalization.
Perfect, orgnised suggestions Sondos. I like how detailed the information you have given was.
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ReplyDeleteDear Sondos,
ReplyDeleteA serious change in behavior and acceptance of technology is required, mainly in the way we perceive and respond to it. There are additional factors that must be considered which may include, but not restricted to, teacher training, access to technology, lack of time, suitable software, technical support, information sharing among users.
Interesting post and rich language!
Dr. Hala